Why of AI

Scientific Innovation With AI and Estimation Using the TCPR Model

Alex Castrounis Episode 20

AI is a driver of what I refer to as scientific innovation. Given the scientific nature of AI, the TCPR Model helps us understand and estimate the time, cost, performance, and requirements of any AI project. We’ll discuss why the TCPR Model is better suited for AI estimation as compared to the typical project management triangle, as well as explore the important role data plays in AI projects.    SUBSCRIBE – YouTube: https://bit.ly/aiwalexs | Alex’s Newsletter: https://www.whyofai.com/newsletter | LEARN – Artificial Intelligence Courses and Certifications at Why of AI: https://www.whyofai.com | Alex's Book: https://www.whyofai.com/ai-book | Alex's Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2O54wQU |  SOCIAL – Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexcastrounis | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexcastrounis | © Why of AI 2021. All Rights Reserved.

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