Why of AI
AI and machine learning are increasingly impacting our societies, economies, and the nature of work itself. Why of AI exists to help people understand and keep up with artificial intelligence, its impacts, and important areas of consideration such as AI ethics, impact, and responsibility. Subscribe to this podcast to get the latest on all of these AI topics, trends, and more! Episodes vary in length.
I hope you enjoy! -Alex Castrounis
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Why of AI
AI and Design, AI UX + | Casey Hudetz Interview | AI with Alex
Join us to discuss AI and design, the UX of AI, and more with Casey Hudetz and Alex Castrounis. Casey Hudetz is a Sr. Experience Designer at Digitas and award-winning filmmaker. SUBSCRIBE – YouTube: https://bit.ly/aiwalexs | Alex’s Newsletter: https://www.whyofai.com/newsletter | LEARN – Artificial Intelligence Courses and Certifications at Why of AI: https://www.whyofai.com | Alex's Book: https://www.whyofai.com/ai-book | Alex's Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2O54wQU | SOCIAL – Twitter: https://twitter.com/alexcastrounis | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexcastrounis | © Why of AI 2021. All Rights Reserved.